Being a Linux Geek…
Howdy! This is my personal website hosted at home on my personal home server. I am a Linux geek, I’m originally from upstate South Carolina. I have been working with computers since I was around 8 years old. Thanks to my awesome uncle, who taught me the basics of DOS, and some of Windows. I learned a good bit on my own about Windows and the such. When I got to high school, I got really interested in the concept of Linux as an operating system. The entire idea of something other than Mac or Windows on my computer blew my mind. Funny enough, the second I saw that Linux had a terminal, I really got into it. It brought me back to those days that I would sit down at a DOS computer, and just mess around with stuff. From there my passion grew to what it is today.
During the day, you’ll find me working at a Web Hosting Company, with a few side projects. I also run a Modded Minecraft server using the CrazyCraft Updated ModPack.